Sulaiman AlRajhi University Scholarship 2022
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Sulaiman AlRajhi University Scholarship 2022:
Sulaiman AlRajhi University strives to attract academically and personally distinguished students from all over the world in order to fulfill its vision and mission by targeting Muslim countries and societies.
Based on the decision of the Board of Trustees number (15/1/9) in the first meeting of 1436/1437H corresponding with 2015/2016 on the date of 18 Muharram 1437H corresponding with October 31, 2015 which states: “Working to attract student from outside of the kingdom in the coming years by offering scholarships for distinguished students and submitting to the ministry to complete official procedures”, There is a committee which will be responsible to recruit the student in their countries.
Sulaiman AlRajhi University Scholarship 2022
Sulaiman AlRajhi University Scholarship| Details:
- Sulaiman AlRajhi scholarship granted 30% of the total amount of the official tuition fees to all applicants who are studying on their own expense.
- It applies only during the first semester\yearly semester of the academic year upon joining the University.
- Sulaiman AlRajhi Scholarship applies to male and female students admitted in all programs of different colleges.
- Afterwards, students join the scholarship of academic excellence after the first semester\yearly semester of the first academic year and are treated according to its system and policies.
Academic Excellence Scholarship:
Sulaiman AlRajhi University continues with the program of scholarships with discounts and incentives in order to attract distinguished male and female students according to the following new regulations:
- After the student passes the first semester / of the first academic year, the student shall be given a deduction from the total amount of the official tuition fees for the following semester / year according to the term / yearly GPA (not cumulative). The discount rates shall be as follows:
- If the student receives a term / yearly GPA of more than or equal to 4.50 from 5.00, they shall be granted a 70% discount from the total amount of the official tuition fees according to the program or specialization the student is enrolled in.
- If the student receives a term / yearly GPA of more than or equal to 4.25 from 5.00 and less than 4.50 from 5.00, they shall be granted a 50% discount from the total amount of the official tuition fees according to the program or specialization the student is enrolled in.
- If the student receives a term / yearly GPA of more than or equal to 3.25 from 5.00 and less than 4.25 from 5.00, they shall be granted a 30% discount from the total amount of the official tuition fees according to the program or specialization the student is enrolled in.
- Students receiving a term / yearly GPA less than 3.25 from 5.00 will not be granted any discounts and will be required to pay full tuition fees for the upcoming academic term / year. They may attempt to raise their GPA once again to receive any of the discount rates.
- If the term / yearly student GPA falls short of the required GPA to maintain the discount rate, then it will be transferred automatically to the discount rate granted for the new term / yearly GPA; and the student can later attempt to increase their term / annual GPA to obtain a higher discount rate.
- The student shall benefit from the discounts granted in the Academic Excellence Scholarship throughout their enrollment in the University in the full-time academic study system according to the official academic years of the program and a total number of study hours of no less than (12) credit hours per academic semester. Note that the periods of withdrawal from terms / academic years are calculated as part of the duration of the study system period; and terms / years postponed by the student are not calculated.
- Students may benefit from the Academic Excellence Scholarship upon fulfillment of other conditions required to obtain the scholarship, which are:
- The student’s record is free from behavioral violations or academic warnings.
- Achieving the minimum points for participation in non-curricular activities to maintain the discount rate granted or to obtain a higher discount rate.
- The student’s financial record is free from any unpaid fees at the University.
Sulaiman AlRajhi University Scholarship| Eligibility criteria:
Required documents are:
- High school certificate (original copy).
- National\Iqama ID Copy.
- Personal photo.
- Registration Fees Bank receipt.
Requirements for the college of Medicine in Sulaiman AlRajhi University:
- Graduated from high school in the natural sciences with a percentage of 90% or equivalent.
- Passed the aptitude and achievement test with a percentage of 75% or higher.
- Passed the English placement test for the admission or achieved 63 in STEP or equivalent.
- Passed a personal interview session.
- Be medically fit.
Sulaiman AlRajhi University Scholarship| How to apply:
- First step: online registration through the University website top menu Admission> Apply Now > choose the wanted educational path.
- Second step: Passing the acceptance test: English language Test (for high school graduates) Direct Admission Exam (for those who have completed the preparatory year program).
- Third step: Attend the interview.
- Fourth step: announcing candidates.
- Fifth step: Print the acceptance notice of the student. Then you must send the required documents by Saudi Post or any other shipping company) to SRU postal address To : Qassim Buakiryah P.O. Box 777 postal code 51941
- Sixth step: The student receives the University ID Number.
Sulaiman AlRajhi University Scholarship 2022
FAQs about Sulaiman Al Rajhi University:
Does the university have a partnership with international universities?
The Faculty of Medicine has an academic partnership with the Holland based “University of Maastricht”. The University of Maastricht is one of the leading Dutch medical educational establishments in Europe. We have a partnership which is involved in the curriculum and supervision of the Faculty of Medicine program.
Where is SRU located in Qassim?
Sulaiman Al Rajhi University is located in Al Bukayriyah city. It is located on the intersection of Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah to Riyadh highway with Mohammed Al Ali Al Swailem Road.
Will I be given a certificate from the University of Maastricht After I graduate? “MBBS program”
If you graduate from the College of Medicine”MBBS program” you will be awarded an accredited certificate from SRU, as well as another recognition certificate from the University of Maastricht.
Is Sulaiman Alrajhi University accredited by the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?
Yes, the University has received accreditation from the Ministry of Education for the Faculties of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nursing, as well as the Sulaiman Al Rajhi School of Business.
Is SRU recognized outside Saudi Arabia?
The University received accreditation from the German Academic Accreditation Authority of the Faculty of Medicine (AHPGS), Also The University has obtained institutional accreditation from the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA) for the period from 1 May 2019 to 30 April 2023.
What are the available colleges?
Currently, there are various colleges, which include:
- Sulaiman Al Rajhi School of Business: Bachelor degree in Business Administration, Accounting and Information System, Finance and Risk Management.
- Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
- College of Medicine: Medicine and Surgery.
- College of Applied Sciences: Medical Laboratories Science (MLS).
- College of Applied Sciences: Nursing.
Is there a pharmacy major ?
There is currently no pharmacy major.
Does the University specialize in medicine only?
No, along with the Medical colleges, it has another college of Humanities as (Sulaiman Alrajhi School of Business).
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